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Westmoore Junior High Volleyball

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Volleyball info for 2024-2025 season

The deadline for new practice players is August 8th. 

If your child would like to participate in volleyball for the Westmoore JH team (Moore West & Brink combined):

Step 1: Join the Remind account for your grade level. You must use the actual app so that you can see previous announcements as well as attachments that will be sent out. The codes are below.

Step 2: Send a message to the head coach through Remind with your full name and your child's full name.

Step 3: Complete Rank One forms then send a message to the head coach through Remind letting them know it is complete, so that she can be added to the volleyball roster.

Step 4: Print out the two-sided physical form and take it to your doctor or a clinic to get an updated physical. Must be completed after May of the season you will play. Must be dated and signed before turning in.

Step 5: Scan and upload the physical to RankOne. It must be approved before an athlete may attend any practices. Your physical gets put in based on the order it was turned in and approved. If you didn't sign it or it's out of date then you must resubmit and that physical goes to the back of the line. There are several sports and a lot of athletes so do not wait until the week before practices start to get this done or you will more than likely be missing the first days or week of practices.

You can pull up your rank account to check the status of your Rank One forms and physical. Do not ask the coach to check for you. This is your responsibility. We will have a list during check in of those clear (green) in Rank One and those are the only athletes that can stay at practice. You must be enrolled and have your school ID # to begin Rank One forms. If you have Rank One issues after trying troubleshooting on your own, contact with exactly what is happening when you try to log in. 

Step 6: Turn on Remind notifications and stay up to date with the most current requirements, dates, times, procedures, changes, etc.

Parent/Player meeting:  July 8th @ Moore West Junior High Gym.  7th Grade @ 6:00.  8th Grade @ 7:00.

Summer practices begin July 15th. From July 15th-18th practices/evaluations will be held at Westmoore High School from 2:45-4:45. Starting Friday the 19th, practices will be at Moore West. See times below.

7th grade will practice from 2:45-4:15

8th grade will practice 4:30-6:00

These times may change when practices get going, so please make sure you are on the correct remind.


7th Grade Head Coach: Coach T

8th Grade Head Coach: Coach Adams

*2024 School Practices and home games will be held at Moore West Junior High*

2024 Westmoore Junior High Volleyball Schedule:  Coming Soon!

Additional Volleyball Information

Frequently Asked Questions:

IMPORTANT ALL PAPERWORK  must be turned in before any student can begin practice.

All physicals must be dated May 1st or after to be valid for the upcoming school year.

All Student Athletes in MPS must complete ALL of the forms on Rank One before they can participate in any sport.

  • 7th grade: Direct questions to Coach Adams -  
  • 8th grade: Direct questions to Coach Adams -    
  • 8th grade will go home after school, then meet at West no earlier than 4:15pm and no later than 4:30pm.
  • 7th will practice at West right after school lets out (2:45-4:15). Brink 7th graders will ride the shuttle to Moore West. Players must be picked up from practice on time in order to participate. 7th: 4:15   8th: 6:00
  • Connect to the Middle School Volleyball Remind by text.  Text @7thwest24 to 81010 to join the Remind if entering the 7th Grade.  Text @8thwest24 to 81010 to join the Remind if entering 8th Grade.
  • Practices start July 15th. Parent/player meeting date will be sent out through your grade level Remind once it is set. Always let us know ahead of time when you will be missing practice. Practice times are subject to change; you will be notified via Remind.
  • Check the junior high website or email us for all questions.
  • Rank one should be completed well before July 15th.  Fill out electronic forms.  Rank One Sport Website Link  
  • If you show up on July 15th without any part of Rank One completed, you will not be able to practice with us.  Get it done early. We start evaluating on day 1.
  • Your physical must be uploaded to RankOne well before practices start. If you bring your physical to practice on day 1 you will not be able to practice or stay and watch. It must be verified and entered into the system before you can participate in practices. There are a ton of sports and athletes, so don't wait until the week before practices. 
  1. Are there tryouts? There are evaluations to determine varsity, JV and practice team players. This can change throughout the season. Every student will practice and continue to learn throughout the season. Removal from the team will be due to violation of a team, school, district, or state rule.
  2. How much will I play? Playing time will be determined at the coaches' discretion, based on what’s best for the team.
  3. How will the coaches determine which team I make? Many factors determine a student's placement: attitude, effort, attendance, leadership, team chemistry & skill level among others.
  4. Why do some kids play more than others? Please see questions 2 and 3.
  5. Will everybody get a jersey and playing time? Every player is welcome to attend every practice but not every player will get a jersey. Jerseys do not guarantee playing time.
  6. Can I choose my position? No. Positions are based on what's best for the team.
  7. Does it cost anything to play? Students will need to provide their own shoes, socks, knee pads, and shorts. Jersey tops will be issued before games.
  8. Is there a bus to away games? Students are required to ride to away games on the bus but may be checked out from the game by a parent or legal guardian. Students are not permitted to be checked out by a nonparent/non-guardian.  
  9. What if I'm ineligible? Eligibility is determined by OSSAA and Moore District rules. Students determined to be ineligible will retain the opportunity to practice but will not participate in competitions.
  10. What do I have to do to participate and join? Receive a physical after May 1st, complete all necessary forms on the Rank One website, maintain school grades, attendance, and behavior.
  11. Can parents and other students watch practices? All practices are closed and students not involved in volleyball cannot hang out in the gym or participate in any way for liability reasons.